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Use VQLOG.KEY file to register the program

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When you register VQLog you get a file called VQLOG.KEY that contains the information required by the program to run in registered mode.  Applying the key file is as easy as copying it to the folder of your hard disk where VQLog is installed (this is, the folder that also holds the files VQLog20.exe, log.mdb, config.mdb, etc.). If you have the program installed in several folders then you will have to copy the VQLOG.KEY to each of them. 

IMPORTANT: You don't need to open that file as it doesn't contain readable information, what you actually have to do is copying it to VQLog's folder!

IMPORTANT: If you got the key file by E-Mail then you received a compressed ZIP file (VQLog_key.zip) attached, that you will have to unZIP first and then copy the extracted file VLOG.KEY to VQLog's folder in your hard disk.

If you got VQLog in a CD you will find the VQLOG.KEY file in the folder "VQLog KEY" of the CD and you simply have to copy it to VQLog's folder in your hard disk.

The exact way to copy the key file to VQLog's folder is up to you. (Copy & Paste, drag it to the folder, etc.). If  you are not familiar with the procedure of copying files in Windows then please ask someone close to you or read the documentation of Windows.

Some users have reported that they could not copy the key file because either Windows XP or their antivirus software didn't allow them to do it.  If you notice this problem then you could try one of the following options:

After having copied the key file to VQLog's folder then simply start VQLog normally and it will run in registered mode. If it still runs in trial mode is simply because you haven't placed the key file in the right place. There is no other possible reason!

For your information, here you have the layout of a typical folder of VQLog, in Windows 7, with the key file properly placed.


When checking the contents of the folder I strongly suggest you disable the "Hide file extensions for know file types" option, so that the real full names of the files are being shown.

If you consider that the VQLOG.KEY is correctly copied to VQLog's folder but the program still shows that you are running in trial mode it can only be for two reasons:

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