DXMAPS VHF&up propagation ticker      Europe 2024-07-27 03:27z     Powered by DXMAPS.COM
> No propagation openings detected at the moment on any VHF&up band.
> Prop Info.WWV: SFI=176  SFI90=187 A=23(Active) K=1(Quiet) Aurora=12GW SWX=Minor storm
            Minor geomagnetic storms (G1 level) occurred in the past 24h.
            Minor radio blackouts (R1 level) occurred in the past 24h.

Latest VHF&up DX news
> Jul 26 1628z PX8Z Renato, PY8WW will be active as PX8Z from  Cotijuba Island (SA-060) on July... [Read more]
> Jul 26 0559z PJ7AA Tom, AA9A will be QRV again on 40-6m (CW, FT8 and FT4) as PJ7AA from Sint Maarte... [Read more]
> Jul 26 0534z JD1BQP Koutarou, JP1IHD, states that his next operation from the Ogasawara Islands (JD1... [Read more]
> Jul 25 0601z F4FVI/P F4FVI/P Geoffrey will be active in CW/USB on QO-100 Satellite from Noirmoutier Island... [Read more]
> Jul 24 0916z W1N Don K6ZO will be QRV again from Nantucket Island, NA-046 as W1N from July 23 to Augus... [Read more]

DXMAPS.COM latest updates
> 06-Jul 0800 VE7BQH 50, 144 and 432 MHz antenna charts updated Click here
> 17-May 0730 144 MHz animated sporadic-E maps 2024 available Click here
> 23-Dec 1700 144 MHz EME calendar 2024 Click here
> 18-Nov 1200 VE7BQH 50, 144 and 432 MHz antenna charts updated Click here
> 11-Sep 1700 New version 3.1 (build 717) of VQLog Click here

Make More Miles on VHF latest news
> Updated: 2024-07-08 at 14:49 UTC More info at www.MMMonVHF.de
> KA6U 70cm and 902 EME
> KA6U 70cm and 902 EME
> KA6U 70cm 902Mhz 23cm EME
> KA6U 70cm and 902Mhz EME
> KA6U KA6U EME Roving Starting July 7, 2024

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