Gabriel Sampol's photo album

Photos associated to the theme "Rocks" in all categories

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Ggypseous marls stratum

Picture of a red gypseous marls stratum in an possibly eocenic or oligocenic terrain taken in/from Son Vida (Mallorca - Spain)

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Flint stratum

Picture of flint stratum within marly limestone in a possibly lower cretaceous terrain taken in/from near Inca (Mallorca - Spain)

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Fibrous Gypsum (satin spar)

Picture of some fragments of fibrous gypsum (satin spar) taken in/from Son Vida (Mallorca - Spain)

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Marls stratums

Picture of marly limestone stratums in a possibly lower cretaceous terrain taken in/from near Inca (Mallorca - Spain)

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Near Biniamar

Picture of a little marl outcrop possibly from lower cretacic taken in/from Biniamar (Mallorca - Spain)

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Ammonitico Rosso

Picture of a fragment of Himalayites Microcanthus, in Ammonitico Rosso facies taken in/from Cuber (Mallorca - Spain)

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Ammonitico Rosso

Picture of the red pebbly mudstones of the Fm. Son Torrelles taken in/from Cuber (Mallorca - Spain)

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Low cretaceous marls

Picture of low cretaceous marls taken in/from Coll de Sa Creu (Mallorca - Spain)

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Eocenic-Oligocenic terrain

Picture of a terrain possibly from the upper Eocene, Oligocene or lower Miocene taken in/from Coll de Sa Creu (Mallorca - Spain)

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Lower cretacic marls by Son Rapinya

Picture of an outcrop of lower cretacic marls taken in/from Son Rapinya (Mallorca - Spain)

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The Sierra de Tramuntana

Picture of a view of the south of the Sierra de Tramuntana, showing the Keuper and Liasic terrains taken in/from Andratx area (Mallorca - Spain)

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Keuper gypsum and marls

Picture of an outcrop showing the Keuper marls and stratified gypsum taken in/from Andratx area (Mallorca - Spain)

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Laminated gypsum

Picture of an outcrop of multicoloured Keuper laminated gypsum taken in/from Andratx area (Mallorca - Spain)

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Laminated gypsum

Picture of an outcrop of multicoloured Keuper laminated gypsum taken in/from Andratx area (Mallorca - Spain)

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Laminated gypsum

Picture of a fragment of brown-readish laminated gypsum taken in/from Andratx area (Mallorca - Spain)

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Laminated gypsum

Picture of a fragment of black and ochre laminated gypsum taken in/from Andratx area (Mallorca - Spain)

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Laminated gypsum

Picture of a fragment of black laminated gypsum taken in/from Andratx area (Mallorca - Spain)

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Orange-colored gypsum

Picture of a fragment of Orange-colored gypsum, possibly of secondary origin taken in/from Andratx area (Mallorca - Spain)

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White gypsum

Picture of a fragment of white gypsum, showing clear traces of wearing due to rain taken in/from Andratx area (Mallorca - Spain)

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Keuper fossil?

Picture of a marl showing a possible fossil, too spoiled to be identified taken in/from Andratx area (Mallorca - Spain)

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Buntsandstein red sandstone

Picture of a Buntsandstein red sandstone with shining thin plates of mica taken in/from Estellencs harbour (Mallorca - Spain)

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Buntsandstein red sandstone

Picture of a Buntsandstein red sandstone with shining thin plates of mica taken in/from Estellencs harbour (Mallorca - Spain)

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Buntsandstein sandstone

Picture of a Buntsandstein sandstone with shining thin plates of mica taken in/from Estellencs harbour (Mallorca - Spain)

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Buntsandstein sandstone

Picture of a Buntsandstein sandstone with shining thin plates of mica taken in/from Estellencs harbour (Mallorca - Spain)

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Buntsandstein/Muschelkalk by the sea

Picture of The coast of Estellencs taken in/from the viewpoint close to the restaurant Es Grau (Mallorca - Spain)

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Buntsandstein/Muschelkalk by the sea

Picture of the Buntsandstein red sandstones taken in/from the Estellencs harbour (Mallorca - Spain)

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Sea waves by Estellencs

Picture of the Muschelkalk limestones whipped by the sea waves taken in/from the Estellencs harbour (Mallorca - Spain)

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Buntsandstein sandstones

Picture of the Buntsandstein sandstones taken in/from the Estellencs harbour (Mallorca - Spain)

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Picture of a curious conglomerate with almost no cement, isolated from any other similar rock taken in/from the Estellencs harbour (Mallorca - Spain)

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Water stream

Picture of a water stream, at the south of the harbout, falling amongst the coarse Pleistocene (?) conglomerate taken in/from the Estellencs harbour (Mallorca - Spain)

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Bioturbated sandstone

Picture of a fine graned sandstone showing clear signs of bioturbation taken in/from the Estellencs harbour (Mallorca - Spain)

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Pudding stone

Picture of a pudding stone containing some fossils (unidentified) taken in/from the Estellencs harbour (Mallorca - Spain)

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