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Stations in KO85SU

CallsignLocatorUpdateDeleteQSOCallbookGoogleMapLast update
R2BBJKO85SU            2022-06-08
R2BFUKO85SU            2022-03-28
R2BMKO85SU            2024-05-09
RA3AANKO85SU            2014-04-03
RA3AIWKO85SU            2023-11-14
RA3ANKO85SU            2014-12-28
RD3ARUKO85SU            2011-10-26
RG2BKO85SU            2023-08-14
RK3BXKO85SU            2015-09-11
RL3AFKO85SU            2008-05-31
RP78RBAKO85SU            2023-05-06
RV3AKSKO85SU            2010-06-07
RW5CWKO85SU            2020-09-01
RZ3DFHKO85SU            2020-04-03
UA3ALFKO85SU            2020-03-09
UA3ALF-KO85SU            2021-01-11
UA3APNKO85SU            2023-09-30
UB3AFJKO85SU            2020-04-03
UB3AQMKO85SU            2019-02-20
UC5CKO85SU            2021-03-30

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