There are currently 1534591 stations and 32319 squares in the database

Stations in KN06UG

CallsignLocatorUpdateDeleteQSOCallbookGoogleMapLast update
I2KBK/PKN06UG            2020-04-03
TO2II/PKN06UG            2005-08-12
YO0KBK/PKN06UG            2005-07-02
YO2AMU/PKN06UG            2020-04-17
YO2II/PKN06UG            2003-06-21
YO2IU/PKN06UG            2020-04-17
YO2KAMKN06UG            2000-05-04
YO2KAM/PKN06UG            2001-06-02
YO2KBKN06UG            2017-03-13
YO2KBKKN06UG            2003-06-21
YO2KBK/2KN06UG            2020-06-16
YO2KBK/PKN06UG            2007-09-01
YO2KBQ/PKN06UG            2018-06-03
YO2KOKN06UG            2002-06-01
YO2LE/PKN06UG            2007-06-01
YO2LEA/PKN06UG            2008-05-01
YO2LEO/PKN06UG            2020-06-16
YO2LHD/PKN06UG            2010-07-03
YO2LIS/PKN06UG            2010-10-29
YO2LJQKN06UG            2020-04-17
YO2LJTKN06UG            2020-04-17
YO2LLL/PKN06UG            1999-05-01
YO2LOI/PKN06UG            2020-06-16
YO2LTS/PKN06UG            2019-10-12
YO2LZP/PKN06UG            2005-08-12
YO3KBKKN06UG            1900-01-01
YO5ALI/PKN06UG            2007-09-01
YO8KOO/PKN06UG            2009-05-03
YP0A/KGKN06UG            1992-04-09
YR2XKN06UG            2021-09-05
YR7JKN06UG            2019-10-08
YR8TKN06UG            2009-07-04

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