There are currently 1525631 stations and 32317 squares in the database

Stations in HA79

CallsignLocatorUpdateDeleteQSOCallbookGoogleMapLast update
002UPVHA79            2023-12-25
019OMMHA79            2024-04-12
0H2QYSHA79            2023-11-27
0O9XDYHA79            2024-04-12
0P4SHOHA79            2023-10-22
0P9AIGHA79            2024-04-12
1E4ZNTHA79            2024-04-27
696JNYHA79            2021-12-02
Q30OPWHA79            2023-11-18
QP0MYGHA79            2023-11-09
QQ0FXCHA79            2023-11-09
QR0QGIHA79            2023-11-18
QX7ITRHA79            2023-06-10
ZO1FRFHA79            2022-05-29

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