3A3A (Also 3A/EA3NT, 3A/G4PVM, 3A/MM0NDX, 3A/RA9USU) - DX news and calendar
DX news and calendar: 3A3A (Also 3A/EA3NT, 3A/G4PVM, 3A/MM0NDX, 3A/RA9USU)
October 30, 2021
Callsign(s) 3A3A (Also 3A/EA3NT, 3A/G4PVM, 3A/MM0NDX, 3A/RA9USU)   
Start-end dates October 30, 2021 - October 31, 2021
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DXCC   3A - Monaco     
CQ zone 14
Planned modes SSB
Planned bands 80 m, 40 m, 20 m, 15 m, 10 m
Source 425DXN & DX-World           Tags: Expedition, Contest, DXCC


EA3NT, G4PVM, MM0NDX and RA9USU  will participate  in the  CQ WW DX SSB Contest as 3A3A from the Principality of Monaco.

QSL via UA3DX. 

 Also, look for 3A/homecalls before and after the contest.  Club Log shows Monaco at #4 Most Wanted for NA West Coast (SSB), and #9 Most Wanted for  NA East Coast (SSB).  "The reason for  this  is because most of North America is blocked by mountains to the north and west of Monaco.  However, the 3A3A team are in a  fortunate position  of being permitted roof  access to a  5-star waterfront hotel  whereby they will erect  an assortment of antennas  with a view  to working the world, and a special focus on NA.  Other regions  which greatly needs 3A on SSB include Far East AS (#26) and VK/ZL (#63)". [TNX DX World]

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