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See older operations from JM19GQ
Tropo propagation predictions showed fairly good conditions to the Spanish mainland and so EA3CBH and me (EA6VQ) decided to be active for some hours on sunday morning for the contest. The result were a bunch of nice QSO across EA land and a few French stations also (look at the bottom of this page). Rig used was a TS-790 plus 160w on 2m and MGF-1302 preamp. The antenna was an M2, 12 elem. (3,5 wl).
These pictures are from same
location, but from a former contest. Click on them to enlarge.
Score 67 QSO / 23 locators 22,900 Km * 23 multipliers = 526,700 points.
Best QSO on 144 MHz 04/04/2004 10:54 EB1IGZ/P IN62XR 793 Km. 04/04/2004 06:40 EB1DXW/P IN62XR 793 04/04/2004 07:55 EB1HLE IN7?N 701 04/04/2004 09:53 EA1BAB/P IN73XK 688 04/04/2004 09:09 F5DE JN?DP 687 04/04/2004 07:15 EA1TH IN72WW 663 04/04/2004 09:26 EB4HCI/P IN71MC 654 04/04/2004 06:54 EE2MAF/EB1 IN82FQ 608 04/04/2004 09:14 F9LM JN?GV 602
Squares worked on 144 MHz |
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