DXMAPS´s DX news ticker      2024-07-27 01:45z     Powered by DXMAPS.COM
> Prop Info.WWV: SFI=167  SFI90=187 A=9(Unsettled) K=4(Minor storm) Aurora=11GW SWX=Minor storm
            Minor radio blackouts (R1 level) occurred in the past 24h.
            Minor geomagnetic storms (G0 level) expected in the next 24h.

Latest DX news
> Jul 26 1628z PX8Z Renato, PY8WW will be active as PX8Z from  Cotijuba Island (SA-060) on July... [Read more]
> Jul 26 1447z 9V1IO A group of operators will be QRV as 9V1IO from St John's Island, AS-019... [Read more]
> Jul 26 1444z OZ/K3ZJ K3ZJ will be QRV as OZ/K3ZJ from Fyn Island, EU-172, for the IOTA contest.QSL vi... [Read more]
> Jul 26 1441z DX6EVM 4F6HP DU6VAU DV6IHZ DV6CRV DV6XIR DV7DRP DV7DRZ 4G6RWH DW6YAE and DW6XMC will be QRV ... [Read more]
> Jul 26 1437z 9A/DL2JRM I will be on air as single Op assisted low power from Mjlet Isl. EU-016 as 9A/DL2JRM ... [Read more]
> Jul 26 1434z 9A8DV ik6jnh, iz6tsa, ik6vxo, iz6crk, ik6pth, it9rgy and ik8und will be active as 9A8DV fro... [Read more]
> Jul 26 1431z SN1A DJ0IF, DL5AXX and DM5DX will be QRV as SN1A from Wolin island, EU-132,... [Read more]
> Jul 26 1216z 9A0A/P Operation of Youngsters on the air (cro. Mladi u eteru) working in IOTA Contest as 9A... [Read more]
> Jul 26 1212z PA/OQ4T ON4TO will be QRV from Schouwen Duiveland Island, EU-146, as PA/OQ4T in the IOTA Cont... [Read more]
> Jul 26 0559z PJ7AA Tom, AA9A will be QRV again on 40-6m (CW, FT8 and FT4) as PJ7AA from Sint Maarte... [Read more]

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