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Møns Klint

Møns Klint
Picture of the cliffs of Møns Klint taken in/from Møns Klint (Denmark)
Date: Sep-2007
Camera: Sony DSC-H5
Comments: Møns Klint (Cliffs of Møn) is located by the coast of the Danish island of Møn in the Baltic Sea. The bright chalk cliffs stretch some 6 km from the park of Liselund in the north to the lighthouse in the south, falling a sheer up to 120 m to the sea. The area around Møns Klint consists of woodlands, pastures, ponds and steep hills, including Aborrebjerg which, with a height of 143 m, is one of the highest points in Denmark. The cliffs and adjacent park are now protected as a nature reserve. There are clearly marked paths for walkers. The path along the cliff tops provides impressive views and leads to steps down to the shore in several locations.

This photo is related to the following themes:

Landscapes/Nature (379)Møn (Denmark) (9)Natural monuments (19)

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