TY5C - DX news and calendar
DX news and calendar: TY5C
March 17, 2024
Callsign(s) TY5C   
Start-end dates March 3, 2024 - March 29, 2024
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DXCC   TY - Benin     
CQ zone 35
Planned modes CW, SSB, Digital, Satellite
Planned bands 80 m, 40 m, 30 m, 20 m, 17 m, 15 m, 12 m, 10 m, 2 m, 70 cm
Source DXnews           Tags: Expedition, DXCC
Log search Clublog


Update March 15, 2024: The complete team is now in Benin and activity also begins on SSB

Update March 8, 2024: Over 12,000 QSO in the log with an upload to LoTW taken place earlier today.

Update March 3, 2024: Just to clarify that F5NVF will be operating solo as TY5C from March 3 to 14 (SSB & CW), then 7X2TT & F5RAV will join him from March 14 to 29. Up to 4 stations running after the 14th, including FT8 and SATs.

Update February 24, 2024: QSL via F5RAV direct.
Information from TY5C Team: We will need your help & support to create there local ham radio station as TY0HQ to help locals to get to our great hobby !!

F5RAV, F5NVFand 7X2TT will be QRV as TY5C from Benin in March 2024.
They will be active on HF Bands, CW, SSB, FT8 and also via satellites.

More information when available.

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