H40WA - DX news and calendar
DX news and calendar: H40WA
March 6, 2024
Callsign(s) H40WA   
Start-end dates February 24, 2024 - March 6, 2024
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DXCC   H40 - Temotu Province     
IOTA   OC-065 - Reef (Swallow) Islands     
CQ zone 32
WEB page https://intrepid-dx.com/h40wa/
Planned modes CW, SSB, Digital
Planned bands 160 m, 80 m, 60 m, 40 m, 30 m, 20 m, 17 m, 15 m, 12 m, 10 m, 6 m
Source DXNews & DX-World & OPDX           Tags: Expedition, Contest, DXCC


Update March 5, 2024: H40WA is now QRT. We are satisfied that we were able to achieve our goal of 60,000 QSOs with our seven man team. Thank you for chasing us across the bands and for your many donations. Pre-donors will receive LoTW uploads and QSL cards as they become available. For everyone else please use OQRS for your confirmations. Thank you! The H40WA Team.

Update March 5, 2024: H40WA is approaching the end of our stay. We are tearing down half of our stations and antennas today (5th) and the rest tomorrow. We will resume two stations on 10, 20, 60 and 80 meters shortly and operate into tomorrow (6th) where we will QRT completely.

Update March 4, 2024: Today is our last full day of operation. The solar flare is greatly affecting propagation, however we will push forward. Tomorrow we will begin taking down our antennas leaving a 20 meter station on until the very end. We must QRT on March 6th (Temotu date) as we begin traveling home on March 7th. We’ve had a great time bringing you H40WA and we hope that you have enjoyed chasing us across the bands. Please use OQRS to confirm your contacts. All early donors will receive LoTW and cards in the mail. Lastly, we want to thank our many club and individual donors for supporting our mission.

Update March 2, 2024: Tonight (their local time) is the  last night on 80m. The 60 meter antenna will soon replace the 80m antenna. Also watch for 40 CW and/or FT8 later. 

Update February 26, 2024: We know that some of you are concerned about missing QSOs in Clublog. We are using a network of laptops along with a master server that receives and stores all log data. We then use Starlink to frequently upload the QSO data to Clublog and Livestream.

We see frequent drops in our Starlink connections with pauses the upload of data. We also have to power down our stations every few days to change the oil. Rest assured that all QSO data is retained on our master server and will be re-synchronized with Clublog at the earliest opportunity.

Lastly, if you don’t see your QSOs after a few days, please work us again.

Thank you, The H40WA Team

Update February 25, 2024: After two and a half days of arduous work in extreme heat and humidity, we are now QRV. Our team has had to deal with heat exhaustion and very difficult conditions. In some areas we have had to hack clearings in the jungle to allow for antennas.

We will be operating on all bands 6-160 meters including 60 meters. We will use Fox/Hound on FT8.

We are running on generators and will have infrequent outages to refill fuel.

Please contact or Pilots, Lucas W6AER or Tony EA5RM as needed. We will make no log corrections while we are QRV.

Update February 23, 2024: We are pleased to report that our team and our equipment has arrived safely at Pigeon Island, Temotu Province. Unfortunately, one of our team members became ill and was not able to travel the final leg to Temotu.

It took two different aircraft and flights to carry our team and equipment. We are now busy setting up our stations and antennas. We are running on generator power.

We want to remind everyone that while on FT8, we will be using the Fox and Hound mode.

We greatly appreciate all of the support that we have received and we hope that you enjoy chasing us across the bands. We expect to be QRV by the end of the day tomorrow.

Update February 19, 2024: Today they have met Bernard H44MS in Honiara. On Thursday the team fly to Lom Lom, Temotu. 

Update February 16, 2024: Members of the H40WA Temotu 2024 Team are now making their way to Fiji and then onto Honiara, the Solomon Islands. We will then take the weekly flight by a small aircraft to Lom Lom, Temotu Province. The team will then travel by small boats to Pigeon Island. We expect to be on the air late Feb 23nd and will conclude our operation the evening of March 6th, 2024.

We are travelling with a Starlink and we will make every effort to upload logs frequently. We will also be using a new FT8 anti-spoofing technology, which we have described on our main web page

While on the island, we will be making frequent updates to our H40WA Temotu DXpedition Facebook page

We are extremely grateful for all of those who have donated in advance of our departure. We will provide LoTW and QSL cards to all pre-departure donors upon our return. From this point, if you have not donated, please use our OQRS via M0URX to confirm your contacts.

Thank you,
Paul N6PSE
Rob N7QT
The H40WA Team

Update February 9, 2024: The Intrepid DX Group is pleased to announce that all of our plans to activate H40 Temotu Province are going well.

Due to changes in flight schedules, we are announcing our operational dates will be from February 22nd, 2024and we will complete our operations on March 7th 2024.

We have assembled a team of eight operators to make a fifteen-day activation of this entity. Temotu Province ranks #45 on Club Log’s most wanted DXCC list.

Team members include: Rob N7QT, Paul N6PSE, Scott NE9U, Jay K4ZLE, Jay AC7DC, Bruce K3NQ, Don N6JRL and David AH6HY.

We will make a significant effort on the low bands during this activation. We will use 1500 watts on the 80/160 meter bands. We will use CW/SSB and FT8 Fox/Hound modes. We are not using MSHV.

As you can imagine, shipping all of our gear, generators etc. to Temotu Province is quite costly. The H40WA Temotu 2024 team appreciates any and all sponsors and donors who wish to support our mission. All individual donors of $10 or more will automatically receive your LoTW and QSL cards via the mail. You may donate via PayPal to intrepiddxgroup@gmail.com or a donation to the Intrepid-DX Group 3052 Wetmore Dr, San Jose, CA USA.

You can follow our plans from our website and the Temotu 2023 Facebook pages located at facebook.com/groups/h40wa.

Thank you,

Rob Fanfant N7QT Co-Leader
Paul Ewing N6PSE Co-Leader

Update December 22, 2023: The H40WA Team is pleased to report that all of our equipment has now arrived in Temotu and is now in dry storage awaiting our arrival on February 22nd. As you may recall, we shipped this equipment in July!
We also want to remind everyone that our new dates for the H40WA DXpedition are February 22nd to March 7th, 2024.
Best wishes and Merry Christmas from the H40WA Team!
Paul N6PSE

Update November 17, 2023: New web site is https://intrepid-dx.com/h40wa/

Update October 16, 2023: It is with a deep sense of regret, that we must inform you that the H40WA Dxpedition cannot go forward as planned from October 26th to November 9th 2023. At this time, we must postpone the Dxpedition and are tentatively scheduling a new expedition date for Feb 22nd 2024 through March 7th 2024.

A few weeks ago, we reported that all of our equipment was shipped to Honiara, and was to be transported by vessel onto Temotu. Unfortunately, we have just been informed that the transport ship has yet again been delayed, and our equipment will not make it to Temotu in time for our planned activation date. All other options have been exhausted and we have no other viable options other than to reschedule for the February/March timeframe.

The team is now working on getting our flights and hotel reservations rescheduled. If any of our donors/sponsors need a refund for your donations, please email pauln6pse@gmail.com for a refund.

Thank you,
Rob Fanfant N7QT, Co-Leader
Paul Ewing N6PSE, Co-Leader

Update September 14, 2023: Press Release #3 from the H40WA Temotu 2023 Team

The Intrepid-DX Group is pleased to announce that all of our plans to activate H40 Temotu Province are going well.

We are happy to report that all of our equipment is with Customs in Honiara, Solomon Islands. Our local agent will then arrange ferry transport to Lom Lom, Temotu Province. We had intended to ship our gear via Ocean Cargo however unplanned delays forced it to go via Air Cargo. As you can imagine, this is very costly! We have purchased additional generators in the Solomon Islands to add redundancy to our Dxpedition equipment. We are very serious about this operation and pledge to make the best activation possible.

We are also coordinating frequencies with the TJ9MD Team that recently announced their plans to coincide with H40WA. We will be regularly updating our website.

We have assembled a team of eight operators to make a fifteen-day activation of this entity. Temotu Province ranks #43 on Clublog’s most wanted DXCC list.

We will make a significant effort on the low bands during this activation. We will use 1500 watts on the 80/160 meter bands. We will use CW/SSB and FT8 Fox/Hound modes. We plan to be active during the CQ WW SSB Contest October 28th-29th.

All individual donors of $10 or more will automatically receive your LoTW and QSL cards via the mail. You may donate via PayPal to intrepiddxgroup@gmail.com or a donation to the Intrepid-DX Group 3052 Wetmore Dr, San Jose, CA USA. You can follow our plans from our website and the Temotu 2023 Facebook pages.

Our website: https://intrepid-dx.com/temotu2023/

Thank you,
Rob Fanfant N7QT Co-Leader
Paul Ewing N6PSE Co-Leader

Update July 14, 2023: Today culminated in weeks of preparation and packing as all of our gear is shipped via air cargo to the Solomon Islands where it will be loaded onto a barge for the Temotu Province.

We will be active as H40WA from October 26th to November 9th, 2023. We will be active on 6 meters to 160 meters CW/SSB and FT8.

We appreciate any and all support for this project.

Thank you, Paul N6PSE / Rob N7QT - Co-Leaders

Update July 4, 2023: The Intrepid-DX Group is pleased to announce that all of our plans to activate H40 Temotu Province are going well.
Due to changes in flight schedules, we are announcing our operational dates will be from October 26th and we will complete our operations on November 9th.
We have assembled a team of eight operators to make a fifteen-day activation of this entity. Temotu Province ranks #45 on Clublog’s most wanted DXCC list.
Team members include: Rob N7QT, Paul N6PSE, Sandro VE7NY, Jun OE1JUN/JH4RHF, Heye DJ9RR, Al K3VN, Arliss W7XU and David WD5COV. We will make a significant effort on the low bands during this activation. We will use 1500 watts on the 80/160 meter bands. We will use CW/SSB and FT8 Fox/Hound modes. We plan to be active during the CQ WW SSB Contest October 28th-29th.
As you can imagine, shipping all of our gear, generators etc. to Temotu Province is quite costly. The H40WA Temotu 2023 team appreciates any and all sponsors and donors who wish to support our mission. All individual donors of $10 or more will automatically receive your LoTW and QSL cards via the mail. You may donate via PayPal to intrepiddxgroup@gmail.com or a donation to the Intrepid-DX Group 3052 Wetmore Dr, San Jose, CA USA. You can follow our plans from our website and the Temotu 2023 Facebook pages.

Update April 9, 2023: All plans are moving forward. They are procuring equipment, meeting face to face at Visalia and making plans for a great activation.

Update January 26, 2023: Press Release from the Intrepid-DX Group. Announcing Dxpedition to Temotu Province Oct 31 – Nov 14th, 2023

The Intrepid-DX Group is pleased to announce that we will activate H40 Temotu Province from October 31st to November 14th, 2023.

We have assembled a team of eight operators to make a fifteen-day activation of this entity. Temotu Province ranks #45 on Clublog’s most wanted DXCC list.

Team members include: Rob N7QT, Paul N6PSE, Sandro VE7NY, Jun OE1JUN/JH4RHF, Heye DJ9RR, Laci HA0NAR and Arliss W7XU and Walt N6XG. We will make a significant effort on the low bands during this activation. We will use 1500 watts on 80/160 meter bands. We will use CW/SSB and FT8 modes.

The Temotu 2023 team appreciates any and all sponsors and donors who wish to support our mission. You may donate via PayPal to intrepiddxgroup@gmail.com or a donation to the Intrepid-DX Group 3052 Wetmore Dr, San Jose, CA USA. You can follow our plans from our website and the Temotu 2023 Facebook pages.

Thank you,
Rob Fanfant N7QT Co-Leader
Paul Ewing N6PSE Co-Leader

N7QT, N6PSE, VE7NY, OE1JUN/JH4RHF, DJ9RR, HA0NAR, W7XU and N6XG will be QRV from Temotu Province as H40WA from October 31 to November 14, 2023.
They will be active on 160 - 10m iin CW, SSB and FT8.

Band Plan:

CW     SSB    RTTY    FT8
 1.826.5 —–   —–      1.836 F/H
 3.523  3.790 —–      3.567 F/H
—–     —–     —–      5.357 F/H
 7.010  7.090  7.045  7.056 F/H
10.105  ——    10.142 10.131 F/H
14.023 14.185 14.080 14.090 F/H
18.069 18.130 18.105 18.095 F/H
21.023 21.285 21.080 21.091 F/H
24.891 24.955 24.910 24.911 F/H
28.023 28.485 28.080 28.091 F/H

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