C6ANM - DX news and calendar
DX news and calendar: C6ANM
February 24, 2024
Callsign(s) C6ANM   
Start-end dates February 14, 2024 - March 4, 2024
Utilities Tracking & stats          Recent spots          DX Atlas          Propagation calculator 
DXCC   C6 - Bahamas     
IOTA   NA-001 - Great Bahama Bank group     
CQ zone 8
Planned modes CW, SSB, Digital
Planned bands 80 m, 40 m, 30 m, 20 m, 17 m, 15 m, 12 m, 10 m, 6 m
Source DXnews           Tags: Expedition, Contest, DXCC
Log search Clublog


N1GN and NE1B will be QRV again on 80 - 6m (CW, SSB and Digital) from Nassau, Bahamas as C6ANM from February 14 to March 4, 2024.
They will participate in the ARRL DX CW and SSB Contests.

QSL via LOTW and ClubLog.


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