Update December 31, 2024: The TO0J DXpedition to French Guiana is almost over. QRT at 0930z today; antennas will be down and the gear in suitcases. Status now is over 9300 QSOs and 101 DXCC. Thanks to all the supporters and those who worked me. 6 meter / 50 MHz was a disaster with zero conditions. Log is on Club Log and OQRS will be open shortly.
Update December 24, 2024: Now QRV on most bands except 6 & 12m. Currently (0700z) running on 60m one stream (15w).
DO NOT send report before TO0J sends a report to you. You will NOT be logged early, and will only make some QRM for others.
Club Log Livestream is running.
12 meter has not been tested because of short wire (see below). Status here will follow the next days.
6 meter will be tested during the Christmas days.
Update December 21, 2024: He is now QRV but having some antenna issue and very heavy noise.
Update December 14, 2024: TO0J will be running Super Fox and normal Fox/Hound. Super Fox key is received from NCDXF and tested. I will be on 6 Meter / 50 MHz and ON4KST chat with the user TO0J. Club Log Live Stream has been set up and will be running.
Update December 6, 2024: Web site available.
Update October 19, 2024: Activity will be on the HF bands, 8-10 meters meters depending the limit of luggage and space for antennas. Modes are cw, SSB and FT8. He plans to take the following (could be changed):
Setup - 1 Elecraft K3S all mode station, 1 Expert 1,3k FA, CW keyer and headsets
Antennas (plans so far) - 1-2 Spiderbeam with 30, 40, 60, 80 meter L-antenna, 1 Buddihex for 6 to 20 meter and 3-4 x 25 meter coax cable
QSL via ClubLog's OQRS (prefer) and LoTW. No paper QSL cards needed.
DIRECT QSL paper card – which he DOES NOT prefer can be send to:
Joergen Roemming
Brandelev Stationsvej 9
DK-4700 Naestved
ALL Direct QSL cards will be send via Germany in spring 2025 (NO Exceptions).
eQSL: Joe will confirm QSOs on eQSL, but only QSOs that are correct. Use your digital log to upload correct to eQSL.
Please do NOT send your paper QSL card, he doesn’t need it.
Please use ClubLog's OQRS to order his paper QSL card. If ClubLog's OQRS is not possible, please send and e-mail to qsl@oz0j.dk and wait for instructions.
Joergen, OZ0J will be QRV on 80-10m as TO0J from French Guiana December 20-31, 2024.
QSL via LOTW and ClubLog OQRS.