A8OK - DX news and calendar
DX news and calendar: A8OK
April 18, 2024
Callsign(s) A8OK   
Start-end dates April 5, 2024 - May 19, 2024
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DXCC   EL - Liberia     
CQ zone 35
Grid square IJ45XV
Planned modes CW, SSB, Digital, Satellite
Planned bands 160 m, 80 m, 60 m, 40 m, 30 m, 20 m, 17 m, 15 m, 12 m, 10 m, 6 m, 2 m, 70 cm, 13 cm, 3 cm
Source DXNews & DX-World           Tags: Expedition, DXCC
Log search Clublog
Log search Livestream https://clublog.org/livestream/a8ok


Update April 17, 2024: Last full day of operation. 120,000 QSO in the log.

Update April 14, 2024: Yesterday we have had another challenge and first experience for us. We made first ever 432MHz EME QSO from Liberia. And first ever EME QSO OK-EL between OK1DFC and A8OK.

Update April 9, 2024: Earlier today, team prepared extra RX loop for 40/30m bands. Almost 50,000 QSO in the log.

Update April 7, 2024: They are having  many power failures and apologize for many unexpected stops in activity.

A8OK schedule: building/limited on air activities April 6-8, full operation planned from April 9th till 16th , dismantling/limited on air activities April 18, 19th 2024.

Update April 5, 2024: They are already QRV.

Update March 23, 2024: We leave for Liberia in less than two weeks. On Friday and Saturday, the team met in Ritka. We carefully checked all the luggage, weighed it, and packed it correctly.

Update March 22, 2024: They plan to be active with up to ten stations. See bandplan:

Petr OK1BOA, Petr OK1FCJ, Palo OK1CRM, Pavel OK1GK , Ruda OK2ZA, Ludek OK2ZC, Karel OK2ZI and David OK6DJ will be QRV from Liberia as A8OK on April 5-19, 2024.
They will operate on 160 - 6m, SSB, CW, RTTY, FT8, FT4, PSK and also QO-100, RS44, IO-117.

QSL via OK6DJ, ClubLog OQRS and LOTW.

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