DQRM - DX news and calendar
DX news and calendar: DQRM
May 25, 2023
Callsign(s) DQRM   
Start-end dates Unknown
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WEB page https://ncdxf.org/pages/dqrm.html
Planned modes Not especified
Planned bands Not especified
Source           Tags: Information


NCDXF DQRM Project Press Release

The Northern California DX Foundation (NCDXF) recognizes the negative impact deliberate QRM (DQRM) is having on our hobby. We believe this is a problem that can be mitigated by amateur radio operators applying their vast knowledge and creativity to the advanced receiving and direction finding technology currently available. In order to spur research into solving this problem the NCDXF Board of Directors at their April 2023 Board Meeting allocated $100,000 for grants to develop DQRM solutions.

NCDXF will entertain grant proposals from individuals or groups that specifically outline their approach to identify bad actors. A group of NCDXF Directors led by Craig Thompson, K9CT and Don Greenbaum, N1DG will weigh the probability of success of their proposals as well as monitor the progress of the grantees.

Funding will be available for R&D as well as implementation of technology proposals. It is hoped that manufacturers will also assist NCDXF and grantees with equipment and other resources.

NCDXF will shortly outline specifics for how to apply for these DQRM grants. We have created a webpage devoted to this project.

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