T22T - DX news and calendar
DX news and calendar: T22T
January 8, 2025
Callsign(s) T22T   
Start-end dates September 20, 2023 - October 4, 2023
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DXCC   T2 - Tuvalu     
IOTA   OC-015 - Tuvalu Islands     
CQ zone 31
WEB page https://www.facebook.com/rebeldxgroup
Planned modes CW, SSB, Digital
Planned bands 160 m, 80 m, 60 m, 40 m, 30 m, 20 m, 17 m, 15 m, 12 m, 10 m, 6 m
Source 425DXN&OPDX&DXNews&DX-World           Tags: Expedition, DXCC
Log search Clublog


Update January 8, 2025: T22T and T30UN qsl cards arrived after being on the way for some months.

Currently rebels are in Japan and they will be on the way to Europe tomorrow and 5n Nigeria 3rd week of January for up to 3 weeks.

Update October 5, 2023: QRT due to info from local hospital and health Dpt. We were inform about big flu virus around Tuvalu. Most people already coughing badly. This can be double after independance day parties.
In this case we decided to go back earlier than planned.
We really hope German team T2C will be able to make a good show next week or two. So far big construction company almost finish the project so they will start packing and moving heavy equipment away.
Final log will be set tomorrow
All log problems or any other issue please use dedicated email from qrz page.
And don't worry about dupes, we don't care about them at all.
Better to be sure and have 3 dupes than nothing and no qso.
Thanks for all qso's
Next one soon.
Rebel Team

Update October 1, 2023: From now we will run no brain FT4 festival for 24h. All bands SSB or cw on 20m when noise reduce to s5 s6

Update September 30, 2023: GSM 4G internet stop working here. No international roaming allowed. Hotel network won’t let us upload the log. “Club Log” is marked as suspicious web page and is blocked. Hope 4G will come back tomorrow. If you worry about your QSOs just wait till tomorrow or call again. We don’t care about dupes at all. From tomorrow we will concentrate on FT4 modes most of the time. Little SSB or CW only when background noise is gone for some minutes.

Update September 29, 2023: Another 2 Verticals damaged. Total of 4 verticals damaged, 1 dipole between the trees, 3 coaxes, 20 radials
Time to fly back

Update September 26, 2023: 80m will start today at 4:00 UTC.

It's almost impossible to work ssb and cw till this heavy equipment or us go away.

Most signals are killed by so many different things here. Something is making S9 noise and perfectly kills signals weaker than s6, s7

We are doing whatever we can to make contacts.

Update September 25, 2023: 51231 QSOs in Log, 48867 FT8, 1989 FT4, 191 CW, 184 SSB.

We are planning to move away from Funafuti hotel for last week of activity to one of the remote island nearby with a generator. Horrible led noise, lights, flashing bling bling island style light noise, heavy equipment usage around hotel make the operation little crazy.

Another antennas are damaged by massive loaders. We are short with space here as there is impossible to use shore line due to construction side. The only place we can use for antennas has a noise level of s9+++ on 20m down.

Update September 24, 2023: Log will be update twice a day. Don't panic if you can't find your qso's. If you not sure keep calling. We don't care about dupes. It's better to have 4 dupes and be sure you are in the log than nothing.

Internet connection is very slow locally.

Some facts.

5GB data = $50 AUD

Drinking water 1.5l =$2.5 to $4AUD

Accommodation $183AUD/day/ room

Hotel "lunch" $20AUD per head (rice, chicken wing)

Fresh water gone 100 times a day.

Permanent, huge RF noise.

Solaras, led lights, open electric wires, ect

But a lot of fun, as always!

Update September 23, 2023: Still fighting with crazy noise level from gov. buildings, solar street and hotel lights. There is no way to escape from it.... until we switch them off on the rebel way? 😂

That it's actually plan for low bands. So far 160 and 80 is out of "buiessnes"

There is also massive construction work next to our spot. They already cut coax 3 times by some of the Heavy equipment 😬

17 and 20m almost death during the day (more less 10am till 4pm local time ) very low signals and low trafic

As soon as we will finish setting up all the antennas, we will start cw and ssb activity

Update September 21, 2023: They started the activity on the 20th, earlier than expected.

They have set up 4 stations so far.

Bad news is 160, 80, 40 not exist in 4 different hotels. S9+60db permanently. They will try to do something tomorrow during the day.

Update September 31, 2023: QRV from September 21 to October 9, 2023. 10 x stations on air simultaneously; CW (2 stations), SSB (1 station), FT8 (7 stations). WSJT-X software will be used on F/H mode. QSL via OQRS, LoTW. 

Update August 2, 2023: Preparation continues. 6m to 160m planned. 9 stations will be on air. CW and FT8 as priority.

Time frame: mid September for about 20 days.

Update May 1, 2023: The Rebel DX Group  will be QRV from Tuvalu Islands as T22T for two weeks in August 2023.
They will operate on 160 - 6m in CW, SSB, FT4 and FT8.

QSL via ClubLog OQRS.

Update November 8, 2021: The following was reported on the Rebel DX Group's FaceBook page: "We are working on some 2022 Expedition schedules. The T22T Tuvalu and T33T Banaba licenses will be renewed it any day from now. Expeditions should take place around April 2022. Some amazing CW guys willing to join the team of 4 or 5 operators? More updates soon."

"Unfortunately, our plans  regarding  activating Banaba Island and Tuvalu has been affected by the current COVID-19 situation  just like in case of many other DXpeditions  around the world",  the Rebel DX Group posted to Facebook on 4 May.  "We're forced to postpone the DXpedition, but it's not cancelled".


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