CY9C - DX news and calendar
DX news and calendar: CY9C
June 1, 2024
Callsign(s) CY9C   
Start-end dates August 26, 2024 - September 5, 2024
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DXCC   CY9 - St. Paul I.     
IOTA   NA-094 - St.Paul Island     
CQ zone 5
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Planned modes CW, SSB, Digital, EME
Planned bands 160 m, 80 m, 40 m, 30 m, 20 m, 17 m, 15 m, 12 m, 10 m, 2 m
Source DXNews & DX-World & OPDX           Tags: Expedition, DXCC


Update June 1, 2024:  W0GJ, W0PR and WA4DAN had a very productive work session this week preparing for the CY9C DXpedition. We unboxed and tested all seven of the new Honda EU-2200i generators. We ran the generators with a substantial load and checked the voltage on each generator. All seven generators were right at specifications. We then inventoried and organized the guy ropes for the Spider Poles. We inventoried the low band antennas and hardware needed for those. Next, we inventoried all of the bandpass filters. During the afternoon work session, we installed one of the new operating tents. This was exciting as we were very impressed with these new tents. We were so impressed, we will order a fourth tent for the DXpedition. We tested the new operating tables and chairs inside the tent for the optimum configuration. 

The second work day was spent cleaning and working with the Yagi antennas. Each antenna was washed and thoroughly cleaned as these Yagi antennas were used on our CY0S DXpedition. During the afternoon session, we assembled and erected each antenna for testing. Each antenna exhibited a VSWR of under 1.5 to 1.

The CY9C team continues to seek financial support for the DXpedition. Contributions can be made on our website

That's all for now. 73, Murray WA4DAN

Update May 15, 2024:  The 2024 St Paul Island CY9C DXpedition team is pleased to announce that the ARRL has pre-approved the CY9C DXpedition for DXCC credit.

The CY9C team is very busy with executing the plans for the DXpedition. A 24-foot vehicle has been rented and reserved for early August to transport a lot of the gear to Dingwall, Nove Scotia. Dingwall will be the base for all pre_DXpedition activities. Greg Lawrence and Hamilton Carter are assisting the team in Dingwall.

The team would like to thank NCDXF, INDEXA, EUDXF, GDXF, Clipperton DXC, Southeastern DXC and many other fine foundations and clubs who have recently pledged support for the CY9C DXpedition! The team is very grateful for all of the clubs and individuals who have joined our effort. These are all listed on our Sponsor page on our DXpedition website. Additional support is encouraged and can be made through our website

73, Murray WA4DAN

Update May 11, 2024:  On May 16, the Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) will execute the formal written permit for the CY9C St Paul Island DXpedition. This permit will be for the small Northeast island of St Paul. The Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans has jurisdiction over the small Northeast island. The Canadian Wildlife Service now has jurisdiction over the main island at St Paul. Our team has also submitted an application for the main island but has not heard back from the Canadian Wildlife Service.

Beginning the week of May 26, a week long work session for CY9C will take place in North Carolina. Team members W0GJ, W0PR and WA4DAN will meet up and go through and inventory all of the DXpedition gear. The plan is to erect the new operating tents, test and run the seven new Honda EU-2200i generators, assemble and test antennas and inventory all of the coaxial cables. 

The St Paul Island CY9C DXpedition team will utilize two helicopters to transport gear and team members to the island. The team recently reached an agreement with a boat and its crew to also help transport gear for the DXpedition team.   

With his vast DXpedition experience, Glenn Johnson W0GJ, has been appointed co-leader of the CY9C DXpedition team. Glenn brings a wealth of knowledge to our 2024 DXpedition effort and was such a key member of our 2023 CY0S DXpedition team. Thank you, Glenn!   

That's all for now. 73, Murray WA4DAN

Update March 7, 2024:  The CY9C team took delivery last week of the three main tents for the DXpedition. These include two tents for operations and a MESS tent. The two tents for operations are 12' X 12" and the MESS tent is 10' X 10'. The team is currently procuring tables and chairs for the five HF stations along with separate Six meter and EME stations. Two work days are planned for later in May to check out all tents, antennas, Honda EU-22001 generators and all associated gear. In early August, all of the essential non-radio gear will be transported to Dingwall, Nova Scotia. The DXpedition team will utilize two helicopters for this operation. One helicopter will be a Bell 407 for transporting the heavy gear and the other helicopter will be used to transport the operators along with personal gear. This will be an expensive DXpedition and financial support from DX'ers will be greatly appreciated. The dates for the DXpedition are August 26 - September 5, 2024. Additional information can be found on our website at:    

73, Murray WA4DAN

Update February 20, 2024:  Planning continues to go well for the CY9C DXpedition scheduled for August 26 – September 5, 2024. The team will be active on 160-6 meters including satellite and EME. The team plans to employ two helicopters to help facilitate the transporting of all of the gear and team members. One of the two helicopters will be used for heavy lifting and will be deployed before the DXpedition to transport the heavier items to the island. All operations will be from the Northeast Island of St Paul. This island has a small footprint and has no trees. There are no docking facilities on the island and the rocks surrounding the island present a significant challenge for a boat. The cost for this DXpedition is very significant and donations are welcome and appreciated. Donations can be made through our website.

Update December 1, 2023:  The Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) has agreed in principle to allow our team the opportunity to conduct another DXpedition to the small Northeast Island of St Paul. The CY9C DXpedition team received the good news on November 27th. The DFO will execute a license in June 2024 for our team to access St Paul Island.  The target date for the DXpedition is now late August into early September 2024. Planning has been ongoing but the pace will quicken going into the new year. The nine team members are the core group that conducted the CY0S Sable Island DXpedition in March 2023. Antenna testing will commence just after January 1. This will be an all band, 160-2 meter "tent and generator" DXpedition. Detailed information is available on our website at: On the website are photos from our previous CY9C DXpeditions in 2016 and 2019, including a video from our 2019 DXpedition.   

73, Murray Adams WA4DAN
2024 St Paul Island CY9C DXpedition Team Leader

Update April 19, 2023: The CY0S team, along with members of the previous CY9C DXpeditions, is pleased to announce their plans to go back to St Paul Island CY9, in July/August 2024. Access to St Paul Island is only available in the two months of July and August. The larger, main island (Atlantic Cove site) is controlled by the Canadian Wildlife Service and is off-limits. DXpeditions can only be set up on the much smaller "Northeast" Island (Rock!). The CY9C team will once again have a helicopter available to access the Northeast Island as there is no dock or landing area for a boat. Much more information, including a website, will be available later this year and into 2024.
73, Murray WA4DAN
2024 St Paul Island CY9C DXpedition Team Leader

Update March 16, 2022: Operation cancelled.

A new operation from St.Paul is expected to take place in August 12-22, 2022.  More information when available.

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