CallsignDate of eventBandsDXCC CQ Updated
TR8CR Feb 12-May 1, 2025HF  TR - Gabon36 Feb 13, 2025
Roland F8EN (ex CN8EM, FO8BV, 3C3CR) is active again (CW only) as TR8CR from Gabon through April (possibly longer). QSL via F6AJA direct or through the REF bureau The logs will be posted as they are received on  ... [Read more]
CallsignDate of eventBandsDXCCIOTACQ Updated
8P9CB Mar 5-16, 2025HF  8P - Barbados NA-021 - Barbados8 Feb 13, 2025
Chris, WA7RAR, will be active as 8P9CB from Sea Cliff Cottage, Ocean City, St. Phillip, Barbados, on March 5-16, 2025. He states, "All of my operations here will be portable at the many favorable locations I have found here during prior visits. Many will be made from some of the POTA (Parks on the Air) sites that are scattered about the country. Operations here will be SSB and CW only across the 20 through 10 meter bands. Equipment during this trip will include a Yaesu FT-710 feeding a ground mounted 1/4 wave telescopic vertical mounted to a homebrewed copy of the Terlin Outbacker tripod.... [Read more]
CallsignDate of eventBandsDXCCIOTACQ Updated
VK0/FT4YM/P UnknownHF  CE9/KC4 - Antarctica AN-016 - Antarctica (Main Island)29 Feb 13, 2025
Update February 13, 2025: currently on the Australian station of Casey (OC53GR) and waiting for a flight to join Tasmania, flight planned for the 5th, then the 8th, 10th, 12th, 15th to see. so I am very active on 7 bands and several modes, including rtty qso with friends, watch the cluster, I am at 1900 qso in VK0/FT4YM/P thanks to those who came to say hello. see you soon...
David FT4YM is QRV again from Casey Station, Antarctica as VK0/FT4YM/P and hopes to be active on SSB, FT8, SSTV and RTTY. ... [Read more]
CallsignDate of eventBandsDXCC CQ Updated
5X1J UnknownHF  5X - Uganda37 Feb 13, 2025
John, ZS5J, announces the following in "I have just received my Uganda license. I will be operating mostly from Jinja, at the source of the River Nile near Lake Victoria. My other callsigns which are active are - ZS5J, 5Z4J, C91J and A25J. Currently living in Nairobi, Kenya, using my 5Z4J callsign. However, I have an office in Uganda and I travel by road to Uganda from Kenya on a regular basis, usually for 2 to 3 weeks for each trip. It is on these trips that I will be using my 5X1J callsign. I will update later (on with more information and pictures. ... [Read more]
CallsignDate of eventBandsDXCCIOTACQ Updated
HR4/PY8WW May 13-18, 2025HF  HQ-HR - Honduras NA-060 - Valle/Choluteca Department gr7 Feb 13, 2025
Renato "REN", PY8WW, will be QRV on 40-10 meters (CW, SSB and Digital) as HR4/PY8WW from Tiger Island (NA-060) on May 13-18, 2025. QSL via PY8WW's OQRS. Tiger Island is located on the border between Honduras and Nicaragua, in the Gulf of Fonseca. Stay tuned for updates! ... [Read more]
CallsignDate of eventBandsDXCCIOTACQ Updated
TO3Z Feb 21-Mar 3, 2025HF  FG - Guadeloupe NA-102 - Guadeloupe8 Feb 13, 2025
Michel/F6GWV and Gildas/F6HMQ will be QRV again as FG/F6GWV and FG/F6HMQ, respectively, from Guadeloupe from February 21 to March 3, 2025. Activity has been mainly on FT4 on 10 meters, but will be active (holiday style) on various HF bands. As in the past, they will use a special callsign, TO3Z, during the ARRL International DX SSB Contest (March 1-2nd). QSL all three callsigns via F6HMQ, eQSL or LoTW. ... [Read more]
CallsignDate of eventBandsDXCCIOTACQ Updated
4S7SPG Feb 16-Mar 1, 2025HF  4P-4S - Sri Lanka AS-003 - Sri Lanka Island (Main I)22 Feb 12, 2025
SP3CFM, SP6EQZ, SP6JIU and SP9FIH will be QRV on 80-10m (CW, SSB and digital) from Sri Lanka as 4S7SPG from February 16 to March 1, 2025. QSL via SP6CIK ... [Read more]
CallsignDate of eventBandsDXCCIOTACQ Updated
J8AA Feb 15-16, 2025HF  J8 - St. Vincent NA-109 - St. Vincent8 Feb 12, 2025
Franco,J88BTI will be active as J8AA in the ARRL CW contest on 40 and 80 meters, on February 15-16, 2025. ... [Read more]
CallsignDate of eventBandsDXCCIOTACQ Updated
VK9/W5EIT Feb 11-18, 2025HF  VK9C - Cocos-Keeling Is. OC-003 - Cocos (Keeling) Islands29 Feb 12, 2025
Update February 11, 2025: He is already QRV.
Update February 8, 2025: Watch for more information and operating schedule.
Larry, W5EIT will be QRV from West Island, Cocos-Keeling Islands as VK9/W5EIT on February 11-18, 2025. Although a holiday-slye activity, he plans to be QRV as much as possible using an IC-705, Super Antenna MP1C and AH-705 tuner with random wire. Larry will primarily operate on CW and FT8 and may try RTTY or SSB if conditions permit. ... [Read more]
CallsignDate of eventBandsDXCCIOTACQ Updated
V73WW Feb 12-24, 2025H/V  V7 - Marshall Is. OC-029 - Ratak Chain32 Feb 12, 2025
Update February 11, 2025: It’s the real deal now – we are on air on 10m CW! Other bands will be on air shortly; we are still setting up other antennas. The live log on Club Log will be available shortly once internet is available at the radio shack.
Update February 10, 2025: V73WW team just landed Majuro airport, Marshall Islands.
Update February 10, 2025: Team arrived SFO. Next stop KH6 (flight UA1509) where they meet up with M0SDV.
Update February 9, 2025: All ... [Read more]
CallsignDate of eventBandsDXCCIOTACQ Updated
TO1P Mar 20-31, 2025HF  FJ - St Barthelemy NA-146 - St.-Barthelemy Island8 Feb 12, 2025
Janusz, SP9FIH announces his plans to be QRV from St Barts again at the end of March. QRV initially as FJ/SP9FIH then will change to TO1P callsign prior to and during the CQ WPX contest. According to the Club Log Most Wanted statistics, FJ is on 27th position in Far East, 67th in Oceania and on 97th position in Europe, so probably many “small stations” are waiting for their chance. Please do not make duplicate contacts! Hints for VK/ZL: Please use long path route because on short path we have mountains   ... [Read more]
CallsignDate of eventBandsDXCCIOTACQ Updated
PZ5IP Apr 1-6, 2025HF  PZ - Suriname SA-092 - Suriname group9 Feb 12, 2025
Renato/PY8WW, Rico/PZ5JW, and Dieter/DL8TG will be active as PZ5IP from Papegaaien Island (SA-092) during the first week of April. The island is located at the mouth of the Corantine River, on the border between Suriname and Guyana (8R). The team plans to operate on 40-10 meters using CW, SSB and the Digital modes. Papegaaien Island is difficult to access and is heavily influenced by tidal conditions, making this a challenging activation. QSL via PY8WW OQRS. ... [Read more]
CallsignDate of eventBandsDXCCIOTACQ Updated
4I2I Mar 27-31, 2025HF  DU-DZ - Philippines OC-093 - Batan Islands27 Feb 12, 2025
The 4I2I Team of Mabuhay DX Group will be going to Itbayat Island, Batanes (OC-093), Philippines, on March 26-31, 2025. They will be transmitting 160-10m using SSB between March 27-31st. They will also be in the CQWW WPX SSB Contest (March 29-30th). During the contest, the some operators will be on the WARC Bands and possibly on 80m and 160m also. All progress/updates will be posted on as soon as there are new developments. Now most of their equipment are on the way to Philippines sponsored by Wells Cargo. Operators and team members mentioned are: Joey/DU1BP, Jun/... [Read more]
CallsignDate of eventBandsDXCCIOTACQ Updated
VP9I Feb 11-19, 2025HF  VP9 - Bermuda NA-005 - Bermuda Islands5 Feb 11, 2025
John/K3TEJ and John/K3CT will be QRV as K3TEJ/VP9 and K3CT/VP9 from the Ed/VP9GE QTH until February 18, 2025. Activity will be on various HF bands. QSL K3TEJ/VP9 and K3CT/VP9 via their home callsigns. The operators will also be active as VP9I in the ARRL International DX CW Contest (Feb. 15-16th) as a Multi? entry. QSL VP9I via WW3S. ... [Read more]
CallsignDate of eventBandsDXCC CQ Updated
5N9DTG Jan 31-Feb 15, 2025H/V  5N-5O - Nigeria35 Feb 11, 2025
Update February 11, 2025:  Little update before 5N9DTG QRV... There will be a lot of FT8 traffic during this activity as FT8 is our priority. We will use SUPER FOX latest ver., on 20,17,15,12,10m together with MSHV on the same bands, same time to increase the number of QSOs, and give a chance to small pistols and stations with wire between the trees. Don't be confused if you see us on e.g. 20m 14.074 and 14.090 or 21.074 and 21.091 at the same time.   Super Fox will be used till we see low trafic, than MSHV will take over. 30,40,60,80,160 will be ... [Read more]