KH0/AA4NC (También KH0/AA4VK) - Noticias DX y calendario DX
Noticias DX y calendario DX: KH0/AA4NC (También KH0/AA4VK)
Indicativo(s) KH0/AA4NC (También KH0/AA4VK)   
Fechas inicio-fin 20/02/2018 - 25/02/2018
Utilidades Seguimiento y estad.          Spots recientes          DX Atlas          Calculadora propagación 
DXCC   KH0 - Is. Mariana     
IOTA   OC-086 - Northern Mariana Islands     
Zona CQ 27
Modos planificados CW, SSB, Digital
Bandas planificadas 160 m, 80 m, 40 m, 30 m, 20 m, 17 m, 15 m, 12 m, 10 m
Fuente DX-World


WWII Pacific Islands Tour: February 13 – March 7 by Will (AA4NC) and Ron (AA4VK).

They will make stops at six islands that were key in America’s battles in the Pacific in World War II. Stops include, Oahu, Palau, Peleliu, Saipan, Tinian, and Guam and include visits to battle fields and war memorials Radio operations from T8, KH0, KH2, and KH6.

February 14-19, Palau, T8
Will, T8NC will operate in the ARRL CW Contest
Ron, T8VK will operate SSB, 160-10M
Other times, Holiday style: SSB, CW, RTTY, 160-10M

February 20-25, Saipan, KH0
KH0/AA4NC and KH0/AA4VK, Holiday style; SSB, CW, RTTY, 160-10M

February 25-28, Guam, KH2
KH2/AA4NC and KH2/AA4VK, Holiday style; SSB, CW, RTTY 160-10M

March 1-8, Hawaii, KH6
Randy, N0TG will join AA4NC and AA4VK in KH6 for a radio reunion (past operations KP1, KP5, CY9, and CY0). They will operate in the ARRL DX Phone Contest at KH6LC and /KH6 Holiday style, SSB, CW, RTTY, 160-10M.

QSL AA4VK to home call
QSL AA4NC to home call

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