K6R - Noticias DX y calendario DX
Noticias DX y calendario DX: K6R
Indicativo(s) K6R   
Fechas inicio-fin 16/09/2016 - 18/09/2016
Utilidades Seguimiento y estad.          Spots recientes          DX Atlas          Calculadora propagación 
DXCC   K,W,N, AA-AK - Estados Unidos de America     
IOTA   NA-144 - CA South (S.Barbara>LA) group     
Zona CQ 5
Locator CM93
Modos planificados SSB, Satellite
Bandas planificadas 2 m, 70 cm
Fuente 425 DX news


Wyatt, AC0RA and Dave, KG5CCI will be active as K6R from Santa Rosa (NA-144) in the Channel Islands National Park on 16-18 September.
"The primary focus of the expedition will be to hand out the very rare grid square (CM93) on Amateur Radio Satellites", they say, but "we will also take some time to make terrestrial VHF/UHF contacts with those in range, and spend some time QRP on HF".
QSL via LoTW (preferred) or direct to KG5CCI.


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